tekken kazuya

Kazuya is one of the best character in the history of tekken
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tekken 6 kazuya ending

Now fight is between tekken kazuya and Devil jin.Atlast kazuya defeat devil gene to take his authority back ....

tekken 5 kazuya ending

Now devil has totally overcome his soul and body.He lost everything on compromising with devil on his life.He grandfather nearly dead Jinpachi .At first he remeber his childhood then devil over come tekken kazuya and he killed his grandfather

Tekken 4 kazuya ending

Kazuya suddenly come in tekken 4 .At the same time tekken kazuya main mission is to transfer his devil gene to jin kazama.Atlast time has come when he defeat his father so his father took him to his son as a reward

tekken 3 kazuya ending

Tekken Kazuya has not appear as a player in tekken 3.But his few entry appear in some spot of other tekken fighters

tekken 2 kazuya ending

Kazuya won and defeat devil  but his father realize that he got devil gene,Now heihachi try to  tekken kazuya evil gene from every expect but ....

Tekken Kazuya Endings

Kazuya was basically good child .But his father throw him from cliff just of his evil thinking so tekken kazuya mashima enter in tournament to take revenge from his father ,finally he got victory and throw his father too and many other things have change too.

Kazuya and Jin Revenge

Kazuya Mishima has discovered that the division of G Corporation was the one who betrayed and brutally killed all

Devil Kazuya wants gene Jin and Kazuya wants to kill everything tha Kazuya has done it before

Broken - Jun and Kazuya (Tekken)

Broken - Jun and tekken Kazuya.
Jun and Kazuya had a relationship in Tekken 2

Kazuya good poetry that describes the feelings of June and the eternal conflict of his soul. R & R ... dangerous and poorly understood relationship.

Rendom Kazuya Pictures Collection

tekken 6 kazuya

Despite not winning the fifth tournament, Kazuya discovers the division of G Corporation that tried to kill him, and kills them all in revenge, becoming the head of the company and using it as the only powerful opposition to the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by Jin, who has begun world conquest and declared war on several nations. By this time, the world's population sees G Corporation as it's only saviour, and Kazuya uses the company's influence to his advantage: to stop Jin from taking over his plans for world domination

tekken Kazuya puts a cost on Jin's head, dead or alive, and decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Match 6 (announced by Jin) to settle the score two times and for all together with his son.

tekken 5 kazuya

Moments after leaving Hon-Maru, Jin, Kazuya and Heihachi were assaulted by a squadron of Jack-4 were sent to assassinate G Corporation (no longer need it, betrayed Kazuya). Kazuya manages to flee and leave his father died (although Heihachi survives). Vowing to avenge his betrayal by G Corporation, Kazuya enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, which reveals the survival of his father and the sponsor of the tournament: Jinpachi Mishima.

tekken kazuya
enters the King of Iron Fist Match 5, which reveals the survival of his brother and the sponsor of the match: Jinpachi Mishima. Uncle Tom did not win the fifth match, Kazuya discovers the division of G Corporation that tried to kill, and kill all of them in revenge, becoming the head of the company and serves as the only powerful opposition to the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by Jin, who has begun to conquer the world and declared war on various nations. By this time, the world's population sees G Corporation as its only savior, and Kazuya makes use of the influence of the company in its favor: to cease Jin from taking over their designs for world domination

tekken 4 kazuya

Kazuya returns as a central character in Tekken 4. His preface states game he was revived by G Corporation, a rival genetics company of Mishima Zaibatsu, a few days after his death. Kazuya allows the company to carry out various experiments in order to ascertain the true nature of the Devil gene in his body, but an assault on the research facility by the Tekken Force twenty-one years later (sent by Heihachi to retrieve Kazuya's remains for the Devil Gene) impedes further success. Kazuya fights the Tekken Forces off, and vows to get his revenge on Heihachi in the recently announced King of Iron Fist Match 4, simultaneously extract the half of his Devil Gene stored in the body of his son, Jin Kazama.

tekken kazuya makes it to the finals and faces his father. After he defeated his heihachi,He took him to Hon-Maru, a Mishima compound where Jin is being held captive (he was captured by the Tekken Forces on his way to fight Kazuya in the seventh stage). Kazuya knocks Heihachi out of the room along with his psychic powers, insulted and subconsciously Jin to wake him. However, the plan fails, and an enraged Jin defeats both Kazuya and Heihachi in battle, but spares his life after seeing a vision of his mother, after which he takes flight.

tekken 3 kazuya

Tekken 3's kazuya story begins by stating that before his defeat at the hands of Heihachi, Kazuya became intimate with Jun Kazama, who conceived her son, Jin Kazama.

tekken Kazuya does not appear as a character in Tekken 3, but they appears in intro and some how Eddy Gordo's ending in a photograph, & Eddy realizes that they is the man behind the murder of his brother.

tekken 2 kazuya

Heihachi, having survived the battle with Kazuya and later fall from the cliff, also entered the match. Having trained and meditated in the hills after his defeat, Heihachi's strength had greatly increased and after a showdown with Kazuya, they emerged as the victor of the match. Having defeated both Kazuya and Lee in the coursework of the contest, Heihachi reclaimed the Mishima Zaibatsu. To make positive the death of Kazuya, who had proved a major threat to their position, Heihachi threw him in the mouth of an active volcano.

At some point during the tournament, before his defeat and death at the hands of his father, Kazuya developed an intimate relationship with Jun Kazama, who conceived a son, Jin. In addition, throughout the tournament, Diablo was in constant conflict with Angel (which represents the good side of Kazuya) over complete control of Kazuya's soul. Diablo emerged as the most powerful force, and "Angel" from the consciousness of Kazuya was silenced

tekken kazuya

tekken Kazuya Mishima was born the only son of Heihachi sole shareholder of the Mishima Zaibatsu - a powerful conglomerate of businesses around the world. tekken Kazuya Heihachi raised harshly, in his mind, he needed an heir to forge strong to eventually succeed him as head of the Zaibatsu. While Kazuya did not share the vision of his father and was a sweet girl, was forced to endure the harsh upbringing.

Finally, Heihachi grew worn out of tekken Kazuya's "weakness". As a check of his son's strength, Heihachi cast a five-year-old Kazuya from a cliff in to a deep gorge. If Kazuya was to be Heihachi's successor to the Mishima Zaibatsu throne, he was not only to survive the fall, but to climb back up the rocky cliff  to seek out his father.

tekken 3 kazuya

tekken 3 kazuya

Tekken 2 kazuya

Tekken 2 kazuya

tekken kazuya picture
